The Long Haul

Image Source: Ernst Haas

American cloudburst, out on the road, out on the plains. 400 miles to nowhere: time to shut it down for the night.

All I want at the end is a place to lay my head. Jesus. Ten hours straight, and at least as much tomorrow. It’s a long, lonesome road. I don’t know if I was ready for that when I started this racket. But I know it now.

Lousy room, spackling chunks on the wall and awful flower paintings, and the air conditioner is loud. But the bed is soft. Damn, breakfast seems like years ago, but it was today. 400 miles and eleven hours ago. Same thing again tomorrow. Damn.

I should grab a bite to eat at the coffee shop, but I’m almost too tired. Maybe watch the television…nothing on. I could call somebody on the telephone…but who? Food…..too tired…..

Lousy room, but it’s a place to lay my weary head. I have to do this all over again in the morning….and again the next day…



  1. I like this. It feels like going nowhere, but it will end up somewhere in the Twilight Zone”.

  2. lens1 said:

    I am reminded of the drive from Spokane to Tri-Cities and back again. The mileage was far less…but the time spent, stayed that way.

    • We did Moses Lake to Miles City, MT once in one day. 16 hrs, 785 miles. Don’t try that at home!

  3. A gripping life said:

    Depressing. I think truck drivers must have a really lonely life. Maybe they like it that way?

  4. The feeling of being trapped in the daily grind and no way out, the feeling of despair…I’m not a truck driver but I totally get it. Nice job.

    • I definitely know feeling trapped in the daily grind. *wink*

  5. calahan said:

    Quick, choose your semi truck: flat nose or long? Go!

      • calahan said:

        I was gonna go BJ and the Bear, but the Duel truck was pretty badass.

      • True. On the other hand, monkey.

      • calahan said:

        In overalls!

  6. Dain said:

    I once drove by myself from Naples, Florida to Old Town, Maine in 29 hours and 15 minutes. When I arrived it felt as though I just finished a running a marathon. I will never do that again.

    • Guuhhh! We once did Moses Lake WA to Miles City MT – basically all of Montana – in one day. In a 10′ Ryder. 16 hrs, 700-something miles. Don’t do that at home either.

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